oʾιamιc ιrcϊsᴕ ᴕƞɥ ϊᴕϊƶ lϊrᴕm
tɥponᴕrcɥ potᴕ ʾœpœƶ rᴕm
potsato œtɥlϊ lohopɛƶ nœɥm
atpιto tɛœro ϊœ noᴕmhιr
morso cotɛ hɛnam mιƶaral
ɛonɛtmɛ pota lɛrom soʾal oʾιamιc
like an ocean, from the beginning fullness is as one;
a storm breaks it open like an egg
and from shards thought wafts up,
gazing upon instinct below.
from changes, substances rotate into cyclic forms.
in æons fullnesses shatter to sands like an ocean.


in alsᴕra belief, the world was forged in six (10) cosmic days. six phases, or faces, (or 'forces', 'directions', 'aspects', etc) are constantly repeating in the world of the alsᴕra as the original six days echo through time, space, and mind. a cube has six faces, and each force occupies one face of the alsᴕra 'vowel cube'. the cosmic days are described in the six lines of the POEM OF BEGINNINGS and in more detail below:

on the first day, of the face ïᴕ, the pleroma (lsᴕ: lïrᴕm) exists in an undivided, whole, total state. the transcendent dimension of time is begun with this force. this day represents peace, union with the divine, the similarity of all things to the monad.

on the second day, of the face ƶo, the first phenomenon (lsᴕ: hɥnᴕm) appears - a great storm (lsᴕ: tɥpon) that breaks aparts the singleness of ïᴕ. the living forms (lsᴕ: hœnom) can now be distinguished, and the outer dimension of space comes forth. this day represents change, transformation, activity in process, unfinished.

on the third day, of the face nœs, conciousness (lsᴕ: nœɥm) appears. the inner dimension of mind has its origin on this last of the early days which represents understanding, articulation, intention.

on the fourth day, of the face arᴕ, the newly appeared consciousness observes its counterpart: intuition (lsᴕ: noᴕm). the inner dimension of mind is complete with these two opposing forces. this day represents desire, hedonism, evil through carelessness.

on the fifth day, of the face mıt, the processes of endless change become regular - each season is no longer new but is one spoke in the wheel of the year, leaving and returning again according to principle. together with ƶo, the outer dimension of space is complete. this day represents order, law, rigidity, the inevitability of death.

on the sixth day, of the face parœm, the pleroma reachs a state of many-ness. all things are composite, every element endlessly dividable into smaller and smaller parts, until these particles eventually dissolve into an oceanic (lsᴕ: oʾιamιc) state once more. the transcendent dimension of time now has both of its directions. this day represents reality as myriad, fractured, gathering and dispersing.

COSMIC DAY first second third fourth fifth sixth
NUMEROLOGICALLY 1 3 5 11 13 15
FACE ïᴕ ƶo nœs arᴕ mıt parœm
TRANSLATION one living human inert dead many
SEASON deep winter first budding flourishing spring summer heat harvest time autumn resplendent
EMERGING SENSE union touch sight taste hearing smell


the alsᴕra consider each being to have six senses. on each cosmic day one of these senses emerges, and along with it the necessary sensory organ, or 'interface'. the order of the senses can be seen above, while the table below describes the character of each sense on each day. this is the primary content of the booklet HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE FACES OF A CUBE. note that the character of the first sense 'union' is considered beyond words and its interface 'soul' is described simply with the name of the face (here in translation).

soul one living human inert dead many
TOUCH mutatediagramgropefixfracture
skin chimericangelicdemonicgolemiccaleidoscopic
SIGHT crystalopaqueechosignal
eye minddesirefitraw
TASTE instinctpastnerve
mouth hedonicstableevery
HEARING rulenoise
ear harmoniccacophonous
SMELL fragrant
nose always


the six faces are set up into 3 pairs, as each face of a cube has an opposite face (top + bottom, left + right, front + back). these faces balance each other, each describing two sides of the same coin, two directions to travel on a line. in the order of cosmic days, each face finds its pair reflected over the central line between nœs and arᴕ, dividing the early days from the late days. therefore the pair of the first face ïᴕ is the last face parœm; the pair of the second face ƶo is the second-to-last face mıt; the pair of the third face nœs is the third-to-last face arᴕ. numerologically, each pair adds to 20, a holy number.

FACE ïᴕ parœm ƶo mıt nœs arᴕ
1 15 3 13 5 11
DIMENSION time (transcendent) space (outer) mind (inner)
SUBSTANCE pleroma phenomena nooumena
single myriad chaos order intellect intuition

alsᴕra is a constructed language i've been working on in some form or another since 2020. the central feature of the language is the 'vowel cube', which plays a role in the sound and meaning of every word. each word in alsᴕra is a member of one of six noun classes, each of which corresponds to a face of the cube. something about the meaning of the word fits into one of these six 'boxes', and all of the vowels in the word have to be taken from that face.

each vertex of the cube is a vowel. because each vertex in a cube touches 3 faces, each vowel will have the phonological properties of all of the faces it touches. for example, the vowel →o← is on the edge of the faces 'ƶo' (round), 'mıt' (back), and 'parœm' (low), therefore it is a low back rounded vowel.

FACE OF THE CUBE ïᴕ ƶo nœs arᴕ mıt parœm
NOUN CLASS one living human inert dead many
PHONOLOGY high round front back unround low
INCLUDED VOWELS ɥ ᴕ ï ı ɥ ᴕ œ o ɥ ï œ ε ᴕ ı o a ï ı ε a œ o ε a

ᴕ-------ı /| /| / | / | ɥ-------ï | | o----|--a | / | / |/ |/ œ-------ε ƶ